I received a phone call this afternoon from the Mayor of Arctic Bay and after the standard pleasantries the conversation went something like this.
"I'm going to nominate you for mayor, and I don't want you to decline... stop laughing I'm serious. No really stop laughing. Clare, I'm serious"
"Sorry I'm going to have to decline"
"Where do you want me to start? I'm not a politician and have no interest in the job, I'm just in the process of launching a business and wouldn't give the job the attention it deserves, and I don't think a qallunaq should be mayor of Arctic Bay (at least not this qallunaq), and I wouldn't get elected anyway"
"You might be the only one running"
"That would kind of ruin my campaign slogan of 'vote for the other guy or gal'"
The conversation kind of looped around from there. Needless to say, as I am extremely under-qualified for the job, I gratefully declined. The world (or at least the Hamlet) is safe for another term.
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