I had high hopes for this years Christmas Bird Count, hopes that included a record three species. The count pretty much guarantees Ravens, plus I had a pretty good area to look for Ptarmigan this year. But the most tantalizing prospect was a raptor (likely Gyrfalcon) had been spotted here a couple of weeks ago.
Unfortunately Mother Nature had other plans. We've had pretty stormy weather here for much of the Christmas season. I don't think we've had a plane since prior to Christmas day (although I could be wrong). The last few days were no exception and as 11:00 o'clock approached we were still seeing 50 km winds here, gusting higher.
Because we have no sun, I schedule the count for the last Sunday in the Christmas Bird Count time period (December 14th to January 5th each year) between the hours of 11:00 am and 1:00 pm. This maximizes the amount of twilight we get.
As it was clear the wind wasn't going to abate I changed my plans, hopped in the truck and started the Raven portion of the count. With the wind being what it was many of the Ravens were hunkered down. Just after leaving home I counted 25 sitting in the lea of the old RCMP Patrol Cabin roof. Several took to the air as I pulled up for a photo but this gives a pretty good idea.
The count of 156 Ravens was lower than last year, but its not really indicative of the health of the population. Overcast skies gave even less light to work with, and the number, especially at the dump was undercounted. Based on all my counting of Ravens well over 200 winter here, probably more like 250 or 300. As I finished my tour around (noting no Raven's at the dog teams) Ravens were either playing in the wind or hiding from it. I even saw one in a sealift crate outside someone's home.
I resolved I was going to at least try to get out and have a look for the falcon, but after heading out of town on the snowmachine, into the wind I gave up. The wind had stiffened, my face was quickly freezing and flying snow was stinging my eyes. If the weather moderates I'll head out in the next couple of days and see if I can at least find a count week bird.
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